"""This module contains the StreamObject class.
import math
import warnings
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from .flow_object import FlowObject
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from . import _flow # type: ignore
from . import _stream # type: ignore
from .grid_object import GridObject
_all_ = ['StreamObject']
class StreamObject():
"""A class to represent stream flow accumulation based on a FlowObject.
def __init__(self, flow: FlowObject, units: str = 'pixels',
threshold: int | float | GridObject | np.ndarray = 0,
stream_pixels: GridObject | np.ndarray | None = None) -> None:
Initializes the StreamObject by processing flow accumulation.
flow : FlowObject
The input flow object containing source, target, direction, and other
properties related to flow data.
units : str, optional
Units of measurement for the flow data. Can be 'pixels', 'mapunits',
'm2', or 'km2'. Default is 'pixels'.
threshold : int | float | GridObject | np.ndarray, optional
The upslope area threshold for flow accumulation. This can be an
integer, float, GridObject, or a NumPy array. If more water than in
the threshold has accumulated in a cell, it is part of the stream.
Default is 0, which will result in the threshold being generated
based on this formula: threshold = (avg^2)*0.01
where shape = (n,m).
stream_pixels : GridObject | np.ndarray, optional
A GridObject or np.ndarray made up of zeros and ones to denote where
the stream is located. Using this will overwrite any use of the
threshold argument.
If the `units` parameter is not 'pixels', 'mapunits', 'm2', or 'km2'.
If the shape of the threshold does not match the flow object shape.
if not isinstance(flow, FlowObject):
err = f"{flow} is not a topotoolbox.FlowObject."
raise TypeError(err)
self.cellsize = flow.cellsize
self.shape = flow.shape
self.strides = flow.strides
# georeference
self.bounds = flow.bounds
self.transform = flow.transform
self.crs = flow.crs
cell_area = 0.0
# Calculate the are of a cell based on the units argument.
if units == 'pixels':
cell_area = 1.0
elif units == 'm2':
cell_area = self.cellsize**2
elif units == 'km2':
cell_area = (self.cellsize*0.001)**2
elif units == 'mapunits':
if self.crs is not None:
if self.crs.is_projected:
# True so cellsize is in meters
cell_area = self.cellsize**2
# False so cellsize is in degrees
err = (f"Invalid unit '{units}' provided. Expected one of "
f"'pixels', 'mapunits', 'm2', 'km2'.")
raise ValueError(err) from None
# If stream_pixels are provided, the stream can be generated based
# on stream_pixels without the need for a threshold
w = np.zeros(flow.shape, dtype='bool', order='F').ravel(order='K')
if stream_pixels is not None:
if stream_pixels.shape != self.shape:
err = (
f"stream_pixels shape {stream_pixels.shape}"
f" does not match FlowObject shape {self.shape}.")
raise ValueError(err)
if isinstance(stream_pixels, GridObject):
w = (stream_pixels.z != 0).ravel(order='F')
elif isinstance(stream_pixels, np.ndarray):
w = (stream_pixels != 0).ravel(order='F')
if threshold != 0:
warn = ("Since stream_pixels have been provided, the "
"input for threshold will be ignored.")
# Create the appropriate threshold matrix based on the threshold input.
if isinstance(threshold, (int, float)):
if threshold == 0:
avg = (flow.shape[0] + flow.shape[1])//2
threshold = np.full(
self.shape, math.floor((avg ** 2) * 0.01),
threshold = np.full(
self.shape, threshold, dtype=np.float32)
elif isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray):
if threshold.shape != self.shape:
err = (f"Threshold array shape {threshold.shape} does not "
f"match FlowObject shape: {self.shape}.")
raise ValueError(err) from None
threshold = threshold.astype(np.float32, order='F')
if threshold.shape != self.shape:
err = (
f"Threshold GridObject shape {threshold.shape} does "
f"not match FlowObject shape: {self.shape}.")
raise ValueError(err) from None
threshold = threshold.z.astype(np.float32, order='F')
# Divide the threshold by how many m^2 or km^2 are in a cell to
# convert the user input to pixels for further computation.
threshold /= cell_area
# Generate the flow accumulation matrix (acc)
acc = np.zeros(flow.shape, order='F', dtype=np.float32)
fraction = np.ones_like(flow.source, dtype=np.float32)
weights = np.ones(flow.shape, order='F', dtype=np.float32)
acc, flow.source, flow.target, fraction, weights, flow.shape)
# Generate a 1D array that holds all indexes where more water than
# in the required threshold is collected. (acc >= threshold)
w = (acc >= threshold).ravel(order='F')
# Indices of pixels in the stream network
# This is a node attribute list
self.stream = np.nonzero(w)[0]
# Find edges whose source pixel is in the stream network
u = flow.source
v = flow.target
d = flow.direction.ravel(order='F')
i = w[u]
# Renumber the nodes of the stream network
ix = np.zeros_like(w, dtype='int64')
ix[w] = np.arange(0, self.stream.size)
# Edges in the stream network
# Elements of these edge attribute lists are 0-based indices
# into node attribute lists.
# To convert these to pixel indices in the original GridObject
# or FlowObject, use stream[source] or stream[target].
self.source = ix[u[i]]
self.target = ix[v[i]]
self.direction = d[u[i]]
# misc
self.path = flow.path
self.name = flow.name
def distance(self) -> np.ndarray:
Compute the pixel-to-pixel distance for each edge.
np.ndarray, float32
An edge attribute list with the distance between pixels
d = np.abs(self.stream[self.source] - self.stream[self.target])
dist = self.cellsize * np.where(
(d == self.strides[0]) | (d == self.strides[1]),
return dist
def downstream_distance(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Compute the maximum distance between a node in the stream
network and the channel head.
np.ndarray, float32
A node attribute list with the downstream distances
d = self.distance() # Edge attribute list
dds = np.zeros_like(self.stream, dtype=np.float32)
_stream.traverse_down_f32_max_add(dds, d, self.source, self.target)
return dds
def ezgetnal(self,
k: GridObject | np.ndarray | float):
"""Retrieve a node attribute list from k
k : GridObject | np.ndarray | float
The object from which node values will be extracted. If
`k` is a `GridObject` or an `np.ndarray` with the same
shape as the underlying DEM of this `StreamObject`, the
node values will be extracted from the grid by
indexing. If `k` is an array with the same shape as the
node attribute list, `ezgetnal` returns `k`. If `k` is a
scalar value, `ezgetnal` returns an array of the right
shape filled with `k`.
If `k` does not have the right shape to be indexed by the
If `k` does not represent a type of data that can be
extracted into a node attribute list.
if isinstance(k, GridObject):
nal = k.z[np.unravel_index(self.stream, self.shape, order='F')]
elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray):
if k.shape == self.shape:
# We have passed an ndarray with the same shape as the
# corresponding GridObject, index into it
nal = k[np.unravel_index(self.stream, self.shape, order='F')]
elif k.shape == self.stream.shape:
# k is already a node attribute list
nal = k
raise ValueError(f"{k} is not of the appropriate shape")
elif np.isscalar(k):
nal = np.full(self.stream.shape, k)
raise TypeError(
f"{k} is not a supported source for a node attribute list")
return nal
def xy(self, data=None):
"""Compute the x and y coordinates of continuous stream segments
data: tuple, optional
A tuple of two node attribute lists representing the
desired x and y values for each pixel in the stream
network. If this argument is not supplied, the returned x
and y values are the indices of the pixel in the DEM in the
second and first dimension respectively. This reversal of
dimensions corresponds to the orientation used by pyplot's
`imshow`, and allows plotting the stream network over a
corresponding GridObject.
A list of lists of (x,y) pairs.
if data is None:
# pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
ys, xs = np.unravel_index(self.stream, self.shape, order='F')
xs, ys = data
vertices = range(self.stream.size)
edges = range(self.source.size)
# Construct an adjacency list for the graph,
# so we can do a depth-first search
adjacency_list = [[] for _ in vertices]
for e in edges:
src = self.source[e]
tgt = self.target[e]
# Depth-first search of the graph
visited = np.zeros(self.stream.size, dtype=bool)
segments = []
stack = []
for e in edges:
src = self.source[e]
if not visited[src]:
# Start a new segment
while stack:
u = stack.pop()
# Always append the next vertex to the segment
segments[-1].append((xs[u], ys[u]))
# If u has already been visited, we stop the segment
# otherwise, we push its children to visit later
if not visited[u]:
visited[u] = True
# Add any neighbors of
for v in adjacency_list[u]:
return segments
def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot the StreamObject
Stream segments as computed by StreamObject.xy are plotted
using a LineCollection. Note that collections are not used in
autoscaling the provided axis. If the axis limits are not
already set, by another underlying plot, for example, call
ax.autoscale_view() on the returned axes to show the plot.
ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
The axes in which to plot the StreamObject. If no axes are
given, the current axes are used.
Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to LineCollection
The axes into which the StreamObject has been plotted.
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
collection = LineCollection(self.xy(), **kwargs)
return ax
def plotdz(self, z, ax=None, dunit: str = 'm', doffset: float = 0, **kwargs):
"""Plot a node attribute list against upstream distance
Note that collections are not used in
autoscaling the provided axis. If the axis limits are not
already set, by another underlying plot, for example, call
ax.autoscale_view() on the returned axes to show the plot.
z: GridObject, np.ndarray
The node attribute list that will be plotted
ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
The axes in which to plot the StreamObject. If no axes are
given, the current axes are used.
dunit: str, optional
The unit to plot the upstream distance. Should be either
'm' for meters or 'km' for kilometers.
doffset: float, optional
An offset to be applied to the upstream distance.
`doffset` should be in the units specified by `dunit`.
Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to LineCollection
The axes into which the plot as been added
If `dunit` is not one of 'm' or 'km'.
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
z = self.ezgetnal(z)
dist = np.zeros_like(z)
a = np.ones_like(z)
# Compute upstream distance using streamquad_trapz_f32
# Another traversal might be more efficient in the future
_stream.streamquad_trapz_f32(dist, a,
if dunit == 'km':
dist /= 1000
elif dunit != 'm':
raise ValueError("dunit must be one of 'm' or 'km'")
dist += doffset
collection = LineCollection(self.xy((dist, z)), **kwargs)
return ax
def trunk(self, downstream_distance: np.ndarray | None = None,
flow_accumulation: GridObject | None = None) -> 'StreamObject':
"""Reduces a stream network to the longest streams in each stream
network tree (e.g. connected component). The algorithm identifies
the main trunk by sequently tracing the maximum downstream
distance in upstream direction.
flow_accumulation : Gridobject, optional
A GridObject filled with flow accumulation values (as returned by
the function FlowObject.flow_accumulation). Defaults to None.
downstream_distance : np.ndarray, optional
A numpy ndarray node-attribute list as generated by ezgetnal().
This argument overwrites the flow_accumulation if used.
Defaults to None.
StreamObject with truncated streams.
stream_network_size = len(self.stream)
if not downstream_distance is None:
elif not flow_accumulation is None:
downstream_distance = self.ezgetnal(flow_accumulation)
downstream_distance = self.downstream_distance()
sparse_distance = csr_matrix(
(downstream_distance[self.source] + 1, (self.source, self.target)),
shape=(stream_network_size, stream_network_size))
# Identify outlet reaches
any_column = np.array(sparse_distance.sum(axis=0) > 0).flatten()
any_row = np.array(sparse_distance.sum(axis=1) > 0).flatten()
outlets = any_column & ~any_row
trunks_max = np.argmax(sparse_distance, axis=0)
max_neighbor = np.zeros(stream_network_size, dtype=bool)
max_neighbor[trunks_max] = True
trunks = np.zeros(stream_network_size, dtype=bool)
trunks[outlets] = True
for r in range(len(self.source) - 1, -1, -1):
trunks[self.source[r]] = trunks[self.target[r]
] and max_neighbor[self.source[r]]
result = copy.copy(self)
result.stream = self.stream[trunks]
cumsum_index = np.cumsum(trunks) - 1
trunks = trunks[self.source] & trunks[self.target]
result.source = self.source[trunks]
result.target = self.target[trunks]
result.source = cumsum_index[result.source]
result.target = cumsum_index[result.target]
return result
def klargestconncomps(self, k = 1) -> 'StreamObject':
"""Extract the k largest connected components of the stream network
Components are ordered by the number of stream network pixels.
k : integer, optional
The number of components to keep. The default is 1
A new StreamObject containing only the k largest connected components
nv = self.stream.size
ne = self.source.size
# Compute outlets of the stream network
# NOTE(wkearn): This can be factored into its own function (`streampoi`)
indegree = np.zeros(nv, dtype=np.uint8)
outdegree = np.zeros(nv, dtype=np.uint8)
_stream.edgelist_degree(indegree, outdegree, self.source, self.target)
outlets = (outdegree == 0) & (indegree > 0)
# Count the nodes in each connected component of the stream
# network.
# This might be slightly inconsistent with the MATLAB
# implementation which sorts by the number of edges in each
# connected component.
acc = np.ones(nv, dtype=np.float32)
weights = np.ones(ne, dtype=np.float32)
_stream.traverse_down_f32_add_mul(acc, weights, self.source, self.target)
# Indices of the outlets in a node attribute list
outlet_indices = np.flatnonzero(outlets)
# Indices of the sorted accumulation values, from lowest to highest
ixs = np.argsort(acc[outlets])
# conncomps will be 1 for all pixels in the k largest
# connected components
conncomps = np.zeros(nv, dtype=np.uint8)
# Initialize to 1 at the outlets of the k largest components
conncomps[outlet_indices[ixs[-k:]]] = 1
# And propagate those values from the outlets upstream
_stream.propagatevaluesupstream_u8(conncomps, self.source, self.target)
# Convert to boolean array so we can index with it
conncomps_mask = conncomps > 0
# NOTE(wkearn): this (copied from our `trunk` implementation)
# is equivalent to `subgraph`, a STREAMobj method for
# extracting a new StreamObject based on a logical node
# attribute list.
result = copy.copy(self)
result.stream = self.stream[conncomps_mask]
cumsum_index = np.cumsum(conncomps_mask) - 1
conncomps_mask = conncomps_mask[self.source] & conncomps_mask[self.target]
result.source = self.source[conncomps_mask]
result.target = self.target[conncomps_mask]
result.source = cumsum_index[result.source]
result.target = cumsum_index[result.target]
return result
# 'Magic' functions:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __len__(self):
return len(self.stream)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.stream)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.stream[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
value = np.float32(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise TypeError(
f"{value} can't be converted to float32.") from None
self.stream[index] = value
def __array__(self):
return self.stream
def __str__(self):
return str(self.stream)