Source code for topotoolbox.stream_object

"""This module contains the StreamObject class.
import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .flow_object import FlowObject

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from . import _flow  # type: ignore
from . import _stream  # type: ignore
from .grid_object import GridObject

_all_ = ['StreamObject']

[docs] class StreamObject(): """A class to represent stream flow accumulation based on a FlowObject. """
[docs] def __init__(self, flow: FlowObject, units: str = 'pixels', threshold: int | float | GridObject | np.ndarray = 0, stream_pixels: GridObject | np.ndarray | None = None) -> None: """ Initializes the StreamObject by processing flow accumulation. Parameters ---------- flow : FlowObject The input flow object containing source, target, direction, and other properties related to flow data. units : str, optional Units of measurement for the flow data. Can be 'pixels', 'mapunits', 'm2', or 'km2'. Default is 'pixels'. threshold : int | float | GridObject | np.ndarray, optional The upslope area threshold for flow accumulation. This can be an integer, float, GridObject, or a NumPy array. If more water than in the threshold has accumulated in a cell, it is part of the stream. Default is 0, which will result in the threshold being generated based on this formula: threshold = (avg^2)*0.01 where shape = (n,m). stream_pixels : GridObject | np.ndarray, optional A GridObject or np.ndarray made up of zeros and ones to denote where the stream is located. Using this will overwrite any use of the threshold argument. Raises ------ ValueError If the `units` parameter is not 'pixels', 'mapunits', 'm2', or 'km2'. ValueError If the shape of the threshold does not match the flow object shape. """ if not isinstance(flow, FlowObject): err = f"{flow} is not a topotoolbox.FlowObject." raise TypeError(err) self.cellsize = flow.cellsize self.shape = flow.shape self.strides = flow.strides # georeference self.bounds = flow.bounds self.transform = flow.transform = cell_area = 0.0 # Calculate the are of a cell based on the units argument. if units == 'pixels': cell_area = 1.0 elif units == 'm2': cell_area = self.cellsize**2 elif units == 'km2': cell_area = (self.cellsize*0.001)**2 elif units == 'mapunits': if is not None: if # True so cellsize is in meters cell_area = self.cellsize**2 else: # False so cellsize is in degrees pass else: err = (f"Invalid unit '{units}' provided. Expected one of " f"'pixels', 'mapunits', 'm2', 'km2'.") raise ValueError(err) from None # If stream_pixels are provided, the stream can be generated based # on stream_pixels without the need for a threshold w = np.zeros(flow.shape,dtype='bool',order='F').ravel(order='K') if stream_pixels is not None: if stream_pixels.shape != self.shape: err = ( f"stream_pixels shape {stream_pixels.shape}" f" does not match FlowObject shape {self.shape}.") raise ValueError(err) if isinstance(stream_pixels, GridObject): w = (stream_pixels.z != 0).ravel(order='F') elif isinstance(stream_pixels, np.ndarray): w = (stream_pixels != 0).ravel(order='F') if threshold != 0: warn = ("Since stream_pixels have been provided, the " "input for threshold will be ignored.") warnings.warn(warn) # Create the appropriate threshold matrix based on the threshold input. else: if isinstance(threshold, (int, float)): if threshold == 0: avg = (flow.shape[0] + flow.shape[1])//2 threshold = np.full( self.shape, math.floor((avg ** 2) * 0.01), dtype=np.float32) else: threshold = np.full( self.shape, threshold, dtype=np.float32) elif isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray): if threshold.shape != self.shape: err = (f"Threshold array shape {threshold.shape} does not " f"match FlowObject shape: {self.shape}.") raise ValueError(err) from None threshold = threshold.astype(np.float32, order='F') else: if threshold.shape != self.shape: err = ( f"Threshold GridObject shape {threshold.shape} does " f"not match FlowObject shape: {self.shape}.") raise ValueError(err) from None threshold = threshold.z.astype(np.float32, order='F') # Divide the threshold by how many m^2 or km^2 are in a cell to # convert the user input to pixels for further computation. threshold /= cell_area # Generate the flow accumulation matrix (acc) acc = np.zeros_like(, order='F', dtype=np.float32) weights = np.ones_like(, order='F', dtype=np.float32) _flow.flow_accumulation( acc, flow.source, flow.direction, weights, flow.shape) # Generate a 1D array that holds all indexes where more water than # in the required threshold is collected. (acc >= threshold) w = (acc >= threshold).ravel(order='F') # Indices of pixels in the stream network # This is a node attribute list = np.nonzero(w)[0] # Find edges whose source pixel is in the stream network u = flow.source.ravel(order='F') v ='F') d = flow.direction.ravel(order='F') # v = -1 when the pixel is a sink or outlet. Drop those edges # from the flow network i = w[u] & (v != -1) # Renumber the nodes of the stream network ix = np.zeros_like(w,dtype='int64') ix[w] = np.arange(0, # Edges in the stream network # # Elements of these edge attribute lists are 0-based indices # into node attribute lists. # # To convert these to pixel indices in the original GridObject # or FlowObject, use stream[source] or stream[target]. self.source = ix[u[i]] = ix[v[i]] self.direction = d[i] # misc self.path = flow.path =
[docs] def distance(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the pixel-to-pixel distance for each edge. Returns ------- np.ndarray, float32 An edge attribute list with the distance between pixels """ d = np.abs([self.source] -[]) dist = self.cellsize * np.where((d == self.strides[0]) | (d == self.strides[1]), np.float32(1.0), np.sqrt(np.float32(2.0))) return dist
[docs] def ezgetnal(self, k : GridObject | np.ndarray | float): """Retrieve a node attribute list from k Parameters ---------- k : GridObject | np.ndarray | float The object from which node values will be extracted. If `k` is a `GridObject` or an `np.ndarray` with the same shape as the underlying DEM of this `StreamObject`, the node values will be extracted from the grid by indexing. If `k` is an array with the same shape as the node attribute list, `ezgetnal` returns `k`. If `k` is a scalar value, `ezgetnal` returns an array of the right shape filled with `k`. Raises ------ ValueError If `k` does not have the right shape to be indexed by the `StreamObject`. TypeError If `k` does not represent a type of data that can be extracted into a node attribute list. """ if isinstance(k, GridObject): nal = k.z[np.unravel_index(, self.shape, order='F')] elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray): if k.shape == self.shape: # We have passed an ndarray with the same shape as the # corresponding GridObject, index into it nal = k[np.unravel_index(, self.shape, order='F')] elif k.shape == # k is already a node attribute list nal = k else: raise ValueError(f"{k} is not of the appropriate shape") elif np.isscalar(k): nal = np.full(, k) else: raise TypeError(f"{k} is not a supported source for a node attribute list") return nal
[docs] def show(self, cmap='hot', overlay: GridObject | None = None, overlay_cmap: str = 'binary', alpha: float = 0.8) -> None: """ Display the StreamObject instance as an image using Matplotlib. Parameters ---------- cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap that will be used for the stream. overlay_cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap that will be used in the background plot. overlay : GridObject | None, optional To overlay the stream over a dem to better visualize the stream. alpha : float, optional When using an dem to overlay, this controls the opacity of the dem. """ stream = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.int64, order='F') stream[np.unravel_index(,self.shape,order='F')] = 1 if overlay is not None: if self.shape == overlay.shape: plt.imshow(overlay, cmap=overlay_cmap, alpha=alpha) plt.imshow(stream, cmap=cmap, alpha=stream.astype(np.float32)) else: err = (f"Shape mismatch: Stream shape {self.shape} does not " f"match overlay shape {overlay.shape}.") raise ValueError(err) from None else: plt.imshow(stream, cmap=cmap) plt.title( plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def chitransform(self, upstream_area : GridObject | np.ndarray, a0 : float = 1e6, mn : float = 0.45, k : GridObject | np.ndarray | None = None, correctcellsize : bool = True): """Coordinate transformation using the integral approach Transforms the horizontal spatial coordinates of a river longitudinal profile using an integration in upstream direction of drainage area (chi, see Perron and Royden, 2013). Parameters ---------- upstream_area : GridObject | np.ndarray Raster with the upstream areas. Must be the same size and projection as the GridObject used to create the StreamObject. a0 : float, optional Reference area in the same units as the upstream_area raster. Defaults to 100_000. mn : float, optional mn-ratio. Defaults to 0.45. k : GridObject | np.ndarray | None, optional Erosional efficiency, which may vary spatially. If `k` is supplied, then `chitransform` returns the time needed for a signal (knickpoint) propagating upstream from the outlet of the stream network. If `k` has units of m^(1 - 2m) / y, then time will have units of y. Note that calculating the response time requires the assumption that n=1. Defaults to None, which does not use the erosional efficiency. correctcellsize : bool, optional If true, multiplies the `upstream_area` raster by `self.cellsize**2`. Use if `a0` has the same units of `self.cellsize**2` and `upstream_area` has units of pixels, such as the default output from `flow_accumulation`. If the units of `upstream_area` are already m^2, then set correctcellsize to False. Defaults to True. Raises ------ ValueError If `upstream_area` or `k` does not have the right shape to be indexed by the `StreamObject`. TypeError If `upstream_area` or `k` does not represent a type of data that can be extracted into a node attribute list. TypeError If the modified upstream area is not a supported floating point type. """ # Retrieve node attribute lists a = self.ezgetnal(upstream_area) if correctcellsize: a = a * self.cellsize**2 # Set up k if k is not None: node_k = self.ezgetnal(k) a = (1 / node_k) * (1 / a)**mn else: a = (a0 / a)**mn # Cumulative trapezoidal integration weight = self.distance() c = np.zeros_like(a) if a.dtype == np.float32: # libtopotoolbox expects source and target to be 1-based # indices into node attribute lists, so we must add 1 to # source and target, which are zero-based indices. _stream.streamquad_trapz_f32(c, a, self.source + 1, + 1, weight) elif a.dtype == np.float64: _stream.streamquad_trapz_f64(c, a, self.source + 1, + 1, weight) else: # This is probably unreachable raise TypeError("modified area is not a floating point object") return c
# 'Magic' functions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __len__(self): return len( def __iter__(self): return iter( def __getitem__(self, index): return[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): try: value = np.float32(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise TypeError( f"{value} can't be converted to float32.") from None[index] = value def __array__(self): return def __str__(self): return str(