- class topotoolbox.StreamObject(flow: FlowObject, units: str = 'pixels', threshold: int | float | GridObject | ndarray = 0, stream_pixels: GridObject | ndarray | None = None)[source]#
A class to represent stream flow accumulation based on a FlowObject.
- __init__(flow: FlowObject, units: str = 'pixels', threshold: int | float | GridObject | ndarray = 0, stream_pixels: GridObject | ndarray | None = None) None [source]#
Initializes the StreamObject by processing flow accumulation.
- Parameters:
flow (FlowObject) – The input flow object containing source, target, direction, and other properties related to flow data.
units (str, optional) – Units of measurement for the flow data. Can be ‘pixels’, ‘mapunits’, ‘m2’, or ‘km2’. Default is ‘pixels’.
threshold (int | float | GridObject | np.ndarray, optional) – The upslope area threshold for flow accumulation. This can be an integer, float, GridObject, or a NumPy array. If more water than in the threshold has accumulated in a cell, it is part of the stream. Default is 0, which will result in the threshold being generated based on this formula: threshold = (avg^2)*0.01 where shape = (n,m).
stream_pixels (GridObject | np.ndarray, optional) – A GridObject or np.ndarray made up of zeros and ones to denote where the stream is located. Using this will overwrite any use of the threshold argument.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the units parameter is not ‘pixels’, ‘mapunits’, ‘m2’, or ‘km2’.
ValueError – If the shape of the threshold does not match the flow object shape.
(flow[, units, threshold, stream_pixels])Initializes the StreamObject by processing flow accumulation.
(upstream_area[, a0, mn, k, ...])Coordinate transformation using the integral approach
()Compute the pixel-to-pixel distance for each edge.
Compute the maximum distance between a node in the stream network and the channel head.
(k)Retrieve a node attribute list from k
([ax])Plot the StreamObject
()Compute the x and y coordinates of continuous stream segments
- chitransform(upstream_area: GridObject | ndarray, a0: float = 1000000.0, mn: float = 0.45, k: GridObject | ndarray | None = None, correctcellsize: bool = True)[source]#
Coordinate transformation using the integral approach
Transforms the horizontal spatial coordinates of a river longitudinal profile using an integration in upstream direction of drainage area (chi, see Perron and Royden, 2013).
- Parameters:
upstream_area (GridObject | np.ndarray) – Raster with the upstream areas. Must be the same size and projection as the GridObject used to create the StreamObject.
a0 (float, optional) – Reference area in the same units as the upstream_area raster. Defaults to 100_000.
mn (float, optional) – mn-ratio. Defaults to 0.45.
k (GridObject | np.ndarray | None, optional) – Erosional efficiency, which may vary spatially. If k is supplied, then chitransform returns the time needed for a signal (knickpoint) propagating upstream from the outlet of the stream network. If k has units of m^(1 - 2m) / y, then time will have units of y. Note that calculating the response time requires the assumption that n=1. Defaults to None, which does not use the erosional efficiency.
correctcellsize (bool, optional) – If true, multiplies the upstream_area raster by self.cellsize**2. Use if a0 has the same units of self.cellsize**2 and upstream_area has units of pixels, such as the default output from flow_accumulation. If the units of upstream_area are already m^2, then set correctcellsize to False. Defaults to True.
- Raises:
ValueError – If upstream_area or k does not have the right shape to be indexed by the StreamObject.
TypeError – If upstream_area or k does not represent a type of data that can be extracted into a node attribute list.
TypeError – If the modified upstream area is not a supported floating point type.
- distance() ndarray [source]#
Compute the pixel-to-pixel distance for each edge.
- Returns:
An edge attribute list with the distance between pixels
- Return type:
np.ndarray, float32
- downstream_distance() ndarray [source]#
Compute the maximum distance between a node in the stream network and the channel head.
- Returns:
A node attribute list with the downstream distances
- Return type:
np.ndarray, float32
- ezgetnal(k: GridObject | ndarray | float)[source]#
Retrieve a node attribute list from k
- Parameters:
k (GridObject | np.ndarray | float) – The object from which node values will be extracted. If k is a GridObject or an np.ndarray with the same shape as the underlying DEM of this StreamObject, the node values will be extracted from the grid by indexing. If k is an array with the same shape as the node attribute list, ezgetnal returns k. If k is a scalar value, ezgetnal returns an array of the right shape filled with k.
- Raises:
ValueError – If k does not have the right shape to be indexed by the StreamObject.
TypeError – If k does not represent a type of data that can be extracted into a node attribute list.
- plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Plot the StreamObject
Stream segments as computed by StreamObject.xy are plotted using a LineCollection. Note that collections are not used in autoscaling the provided axis. If the axis limits are not already set, by another underlying plot, for example, call ax.autoscale_view() on the returned axes to show the plot.
- Parameters:
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The axes in which to plot the StreamObject. If no axes are given, the current axes are used.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to LineCollection
- Returns:
The axes into which the StreamObject has been plotted.
- Return type: