Derive, modify and plot the stream network#
The stream network is a subset of the flow network. Often, this subset is defined as having a minimum upstream area. The idea is that if upstream area exceeds a critical value than flow becomes channelized in stream networks.
stores stream networks. Here we simply assume that streams initiate at upstream areas greater than 1000 pixels.
import topotoolbox as tt3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dem = tt3.load_dem('tibet')
fd = tt3.FlowObject(dem);
s = tt3.StreamObject(fd,threshold=1000,units='pixels')
Plot the stream network#
The stream network can be plotted using the plot
method on StreamObject
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Modify the stream network#
Frequently, we might be only interested in parts of the river network. StreamObject
has a number of methods that can modify the geometry of the network. For example, we may be interested in only the largest basin.
s2 = s.klargestconncomps(1)
st = s2.trunk()
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
s.plot(ax=ax, color='r')
st.plot(ax=ax, color='b')
<Axes: >

Plot the longitudinal stream profile#
Applications in tectonic geomorphology are often interested in longitudinal profiles and features such as knickpoints. Visual inspection of the profile provides a first clue for these features.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlabel="Distance (km)", ylabel="Elevation (m)")
st.plotdz(dem, ax=ax, dunit='km')