Source code for topotoolbox.graphflood

Basic interface to libtopotoolbox implementation of graphflood.

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from . import _graphflood  # type:ignore
from .grid_object import GridObject

# exposing function as string dictionary
funcdict = {
    "run_full": _graphflood.graphflood_run_full,
    "sfgraph": _graphflood.graphflood_sfgraph,
    "priority_flood": _graphflood.compute_priority_flood,
    "drainage_area_single_flow": _graphflood.compute_drainage_area_single_flow,

__all__ = ["run_graphflood"]

[docs] def run_graphflood( grid: GridObject, initial_hw: np.ndarray | GridObject | None = None, bcs: np.ndarray | GridObject | None = None, dt: float = 1e-3, p: float | np.ndarray | GridObject = 10 * 1e-3 / 3600, manning: float | np.ndarray | GridObject = 0.033, sfd: bool = False, d8: bool = True, n_iterations: int = 100, ): """ Runs the full graphflood's algorithm as described in Gailleton et al., 2024 Parameters ---------- grid : GridObject A GridObject representing the digital elevation model. initial_hw : np.ndarray or GridObject, optional Flow depth. Default is a matrix filled with zeros and the same shape as 'grid'. BCs : np.ndarray or GridObject, optional Boundary codes. Default is a matrix filled with ones except for the outermost edges, where values are set to 3, has same shape as 'grid' dt : float, optional time step(s ~ although this is not simulated time as we make the steady low assumption). Default is 1e-3. P : float, np.ndarray, or GridObject, optional Precipitation rates in m.s-1 Default is a matrix with the same shape of 'grid' filled with 10 * 1e-3 / 3600. manning : float, np.ndarray, or GridObject, optional Friction coefficient. Default is a matrix with the same shape as 'grid' filled with 0.033. SFD : bool, optional True to compute single flow directions, False to compute multiple flow directions. Default is `False`. D8 : bool, optional True to include diagonal paths. Default is `True`. N_iterations : int, optional Number of iterations for the simulation. Default is 100. Returns ------- GridObject A grid object with the computed water depths. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the shape of `initial_hw`, `BCs`, `P`, or `manning` does not match the shape of the 'grid' GridObject`. """ # Preparing the arguments ny = grid.rows nx = grid.columns dx = grid.cellsize dim = np.array([ny, nx], dtype=np.uint64) # Order C for vectorised topography z = grid.z.ravel(order="C") # Ingesting the flow depth if initial_hw is None: hw = np.zeros_like(z) else: if initial_hw.shape != grid.z.shape: raise RuntimeError( """Feeding the model with initial flow depth requires a 2D numpy array or a GridObject of the same dimension of the topographic grid""" ) if isinstance(initial_hw, GridObject): hw = initial_hw.z.ravel(order="C") else: hw = initial_hw.ravel(order="C") # Ingesting boundary condition if bcs is None: tbcs = np.ones((grid.rows, grid.columns), dtype=np.uint8) tbcs[[0, -1], :] = 3 tbcs[:, [0, -1]] = 3 tbcs = tbcs.ravel(order="C") else: if bcs.shape != grid.shape: raise RuntimeError( """Feeding the model with boundary conditions requires a 2D numpy array or a GridObject of the same dimension of the topographic grid""" ) if isinstance(bcs, GridObject): tbcs = bcs.z.ravel(order="C").astype(np.uint8) else: tbcs = bcs.ravel(order="C").astype(np.uint8) # Ingesting Precipitations if isinstance(p, np.ndarray): if p.shape != grid.shape: raise RuntimeError( """Feeding the model with precipitations requires a 2D numpy array or a GridObject of the same dimension of the topographic grid""" ) precipitations = p.ravel(order="C") elif isinstance(p, GridObject): if p.shape != grid.shape: raise RuntimeError( """Feeding the model with precipitations requires a 2D numpy array or a GridObject of the same dimension of the topographic grid""" ) precipitations = p.z.ravel(order="C") else: # in case precipitation is a scalar precipitations = np.full_like(z, p) # Ingesting manning if isinstance(manning, np.ndarray): if manning.shape != grid.shape: raise RuntimeError( """Feeding the model with precipitations requires a 2D numpy array or a GridObject of the same dimension of the topographic grid""" ) manning = manning.ravel(order="C") elif isinstance(manning, GridObject): if manning.shape != grid.shape: raise RuntimeError( """Feeding the model with precipitations requires a 2D numpy array or a GridObject of the same dimension of the topographic grid""" ) manning = manning.z.ravel(order="C") else: # in case precipitation is a scalar manning = np.full_like(z, manning) _graphflood.graphflood_run_full( z, hw, tbcs, precipitations, manning, dim, dt, dx, sfd, d8, n_iterations, 1e-3 ) res = deepcopy(grid) res.z = hw.reshape(grid.shape) return res