API Documentation#
TOPOTOOLBOX_API int has_topotoolbox(void)#
Test if topotoolbox is present.
Used to ensure that topotoolbox is compiled and linked correctly.
- Returns:
Always returns 1.
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void fillsinks(float *output, float *dem, uint8_t *bc, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Fills sinks in a digital elevation model.
Uses an algorithm based on grayscale morphological reconstruction.
- Parameters:
output – [out] The filled DEM
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
dem – [in] The input DEM
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
bc – [in] Array used to set boundary conditions
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
is used to control which pixels get filled. Pixels that are set equal to 1 are fixed to their value in the input DEM while pixels equal to 0 are filled. For the standard fillsinks operation, bc equals 1 on the boundaries of the DEM and 0 on the interior. Set bc equal to 1 for NaN pixels to ensure that they are treated as sinks.dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void fillsinks_hybrid(float *output, ptrdiff_t *queue, float *dem, uint8_t *bc, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Fills sinks in a digital elevation model.
Uses an algorithm based on grayscale morphological reconstruction. Uses the hybrid algorithm of Vincent (1993) for higher performance than fillsinks(), but requires additional memory allocation for a FIFO queue.
Vincent, Luc. (1993). Morphological grayscale reconstruction in image analysis: applications and efficient algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 2, No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1109/83.217222
- Parameters:
output – [out] The filled DEM
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
queue – A pixel queue
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
This array is used internally as the backing store for the necessary FIFO queue. It does not need to be initialized and can be freed once fillsinks_hybrid() returns.
dem – [in] The input DEM
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
bc – [in] Array used to set boundary conditions
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
is used to control which pixels get filled. Pixels that are set equal to 1 are fixed to their value in the input DEM while pixels equal to 0 are filled. For the standard fillsinks operation, bc equals 1 on the boundaries of the DEM and 0 on the interior. Set bc equal to 1 for NaN pixels to ensure that they are treated as sinks.dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API ptrdiff_t identifyflats(int32_t *output, float *dem, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Labels flat, sill and presill pixels in the provided DEM.
A flat pixel is one surrounded by pixels with the same or higher elevations. A sill pixel has the same elevation as a neighboring flat pixel but borders a pixel with a lower elevation. A presill pixel is a flat pixel that borders a sill pixel.
The pixels are labeled with a bit field:
Bit 0: Set if pixel is a flat
Bit 1: Set if pixel is a sill
Bit 2: Set if pixel is a presill
Since all presill pixels are also flats, bits 0 and 2 are both set for presill pixels. In other words presill pixels have a value of 5 in the output array. This allows one to test the identity of pixels with bitwise operations:
if (output[pixel] & 1) { // Pixel is a flat } if (output[pixel] & 2) { // Pixel is a sill } if (output[pixel] & 4) { // Pixel is a presill }
- Parameters:
output – [out] The pixel labels
A pointer to an
array of sizedims[0]
dem – [in] The input DEM
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void gwdt_computecosts(float *costs, ptrdiff_t *conncomps, int32_t *flats, float *original_dem, float *filled_dem, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute costs for the gray-weighted distance transform.
The costs used to route flow over flat regions with the gray-weighted distance transform are based on the difference between original and filled DEMs at each pixel. This difference is subtracted from the maximum difference over the flat region to which the pixel belongs. It is then squared and a small constant (currently set to 0.1) is added.
This function identifies the connected components of flat pixels, provided in the
array, computes the maximum difference between theoriginal_dem
and thefilled_dem
over each connected component and then computes the cost for each flat pixel. Thecosts
are returned, as are the connected components labels (conncomps
). These labels are the linear index of the pixel in the connected component with the maximum difference between the filled and the output DEMs.- Parameters:
costs – [out] The gray-weighted distance transform costs
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
conncomps – [out] Labeled connected components for each flat pixel
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
flats – [in] Array identifying the flat pixels
A pointer to an
array of sizedims[0]
The flat pixels must be identified as they are by identifyflats() such that
flats[pixels] & 1
is nonzero for any flat pixel.original_dem – [in] The DEM prior to sink filling
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
filled_dem – [in] The DEM after sink filling
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void gwdt(float *dist, ptrdiff_t *prev, float *costs, int32_t *flats, ptrdiff_t *heap, ptrdiff_t *back, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute the gray-weighted distance transform.
This gray-weighted distance transform uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the geodesic time of Soille (1994) using the provided costs raster. The
array, which could be generated by identifyflats(), controls which pixels are considered in the distance transform. Any pixel such that(flats[pixel] & 1) != 0
is considered by the algorithm, and the algorithm starts at source pixels where(flats[pixel] & 4) != 0
. All other pixels are considered barriers through which paths cannot pass.Chamfer weights are multiplied by the cost for each edge based on a Euclidean metric: corner pixels are multiplied by sqrt(2).
Soille, Pierre (1994). Generalized geodesy via geodesic time. Pattern Recognition Letters 15, 1235-1240.
- Parameters:
dist – [out] The computed gray-weighted distance transform
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
prev – [out] Backlinks along the geodesic path
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
If backlinks are not required, a null pointer can be passed here: it is checked for NULL before being accessed.
costs – [in] The input costs computed by gwdt_computecosts()
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
flats – [in] Array identifying the flat pixels
A pointer to an
array of sizedims[0]
The flat pixels must be identified as they are by identifyflats().
heap – Storage for the priority queue
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
back – Storage for the priority queue
A pointer to a
array of indicesdims[0]
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void excesstopography_fsm2d(float *excess, float *dem, float *threshold_slopes, float cellsize, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute excess topography with 2D varying threshold slopes using the fast sweeping method.
The excess topography (Blöthe et al. 2015) is computed by solving an eikonal equation (Anand et al. 2023) constrained to lie below the original DEM. Where the slope of the DEM is greater than the threshold slope, the eikonal solver limits the output topography to that slope, but where the slope of the DEM is lower that the threshold slope, the output follows the DEM.
The eikonal equation is solved using the fast sweeping method (Zhao 2004), which iterates over the DEM in alternating directions and updates the topography according to an upwind discretization of the gradient. To constrain the solution by the original DEM, the output topography is initiated with the DEM and only updates lower than the DEM are accepted.
The fast sweeping method is simpler than the fast marching method (excesstopography_fmm2d()), requires less memory, and can be faster, particularly when the threshold slopes are constant or change infrequently across the domain.
Anand, Shashank Kumar, Matteo B. Bertagni, Arvind Singh and Amilcare Porporato (2023). Eikonal equation reproduces natural landscapes with threshold hillslopes. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, 21.
Blöthe, Jan Henrik, Oliver Korup and Wolfgang Schwanghart (2015). Large landslides lie low: Excess topography in the Himalaya-Karakoram ranges. Geology, 43, 6, 523-526.
Zhao, Hongkai (2004). A fast sweeping method for eikonal equations. Mathematics of Computation, 74, 250, 603-627.
- Parameters:
excess – [out] The solution of the constrained eikonal equation
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
To compute the excess topography, subtract this array elementwise from the DEM.
dem – [in] The input digital elevation model.
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
threshold_slopes – [in] The threshold slopes at each grid cell.
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
cellsize – [in] The spacing between grid cells
The spacing is assumed to be constant and identical in the x- and y- directions.
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void excesstopography_fmm2d(float *excess, ptrdiff_t *heap, ptrdiff_t *back, float *dem, float *threshold_slopes, float cellsize, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute excess topography with 2D varying threshold slopes using the fast marching method.
The excess topography (Blöthe et al. 2015) is computed by solving an eikonal equation (Anand et al. 2023) constrained to lie below the original DEM. Where the slope of the DEM is greater than the threshold slope, the eikonal solver limits the output topography to that slope, but where the slope of the DEM is lower that the threshold slope, the output follows the DEM.
The eikonal equation is solved using the fast marching method (Sethian 1996), which uses a priority queue to propagate slopes from the lowest elevation pixels to the highest according to an upwind discretization of the gradient. To constrain the solution by the original DEM, the output topography is initiated with the DEM and only updates lower than the DEM are accepted.
The fast marching method is more complicated than the fast sweeping method (excesstopography_fmm2d()) and requires pre-allocated memory for the priority queue. It is faster than the fast sweeping method when the threshold slopes change frequently.
Anand, Shashank Kumar, Matteo B. Bertagni, Arvind Singh and Amilcare Porporato (2023). Eikonal equation reproduces natural landscapes with threshold hillslopes. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, 21.
Blöthe, Jan Henrik, Oliver Korup and Wolfgang Schwanghart (2015). Large landslides lie low: Excess topography in the Himalaya-Karakoram ranges. Geology, 43, 6, 523-526.
Sethian, James (1996). A fast marching level set method for monotonically advancing fronts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93, 4, 1591-1595.
- Parameters:
excess – [out] The solution of the constrained eikonal equation
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
To compute the excess topography, subtract this array elementwise from the DEM.
heap – Storage for the priority queue
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
back – Storage for the priority queue
A pointer to a
array of indicesdims[0]
dem – [in] The input digital elevation model.
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
threshold_slopes – [in] The threshold slopes at each grid cell.
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
cellsize – [in] The spacing between grid cells
The spacing is assumed to be constant and identical in the x- and y- directions.
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void excesstopography_fmm3d(float *excess, ptrdiff_t *heap, ptrdiff_t *back, float *dem, float *lithstack, float *threshold_slopes, float cellsize, ptrdiff_t dims[2], ptrdiff_t nlayers)#
Compute excess topography with three-dimensionally variable lithology using the fast marching method.
The excess topography is computed by solving an eikonal equation with the fast marching method (see excesstopography_fmm2d() for more information). The threshold slope at a grid cell is computed from that cell’s position within the three-dimensional lithology.
The lithology consists of a set of discrete layers, each of which has its own threshold slope, which is specified by the caller in the
array from the bottom layer to the top layer. The layer geometry is provided by the caller in thelithstack
array, which holds the elevation of the top surface of each layer at each grid cell.The algorithm proceeds similarly to the regular fast marching method, using a priority queue to update grid cells from bottom to top. Whenever a cell is updated, the eikonal solver is used to propose a new elevation using the threshold slopes from each layer from bottom to top. The first elevation that is proposed that lies below the top surface of the layer whose slope is used in the proposal is accepted as the provisional height for that grid cell.
- Parameters:
excess – [out] The solution of the constrained eikonal equation
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
To compute the excess topography, subtract this array elementwise from the DEM.
heap – Storage for the priority queue
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
back – Storage for the priority queue
A pointer to a
array of indicesdims[0]
dem – [in] The input digital elevation model
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
lithstack – [in] The input lithology.
A pointer to a
array of sizenlayers
The value of
is the elevation of the top surface of the given layer. Note that the first dimension is the layer, so that the layers of each cell are stored contiguously.threshold_slopes – [in] The threshold slopes for each layer
A pointer to a
array of sizenlayers
cellsize – [in] The spacing between grid cells
The spacing is assumed to be constant and identical in the x- and y- directions.
dims – [in] The horizontal dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
.nlayers – [in] The number of layers in lithstack and threshold_slopes
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void flow_routing_d8_carve(ptrdiff_t *node, uint8_t *direction, float *dem, float *dist, int32_t *flats, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Route flow over the DEM using the D8 method.
The flow routing is solved using a D8 steepest descent algorithm. Flat regions, which are identified in the
array using the indexing scheme of identifyflats(), are routed by carving using the auxiliary topography provided in thedist
array, which can be generated by gwdt().- Parameters:
node – [out] Nodes of the flow graph in topological order
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The pixels of the dem are sorted topologically that every pixel that drains to pixel v comes before v in the array.
direction – [out] The flow directions as a bit field.
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The 8 bits (0-7) identify the downstream neighbor of pixel
as follows:--- | j-1 | j | j+1| ----+-----+---+----| i-1 | 5 | 6 | 7 | i | 4 | | 0 | i+1 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
For example, a pixel with its downstream neighbor at
has a value in the direction array of0b00001000 = 8
. A value of 0 indicates that the pixel has no downstream neighbors and is either a sink or an outlet. A value of 255 (all bits set) is used internally as a sentinel value and its presence in output data is a sign of an error.dem – [in] The input digital elevation model
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
dist – [in] The auxiliary topography for routing over floats
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
This will typically be generated by gwdt() as the output
.flats – [in] Array identifying the flat pixels
A pointer to an
array of sizedims[0]
The flat pixels must be identified as they are by identifyflats().
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API ptrdiff_t flow_routing_d8_edgelist(ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t *node, uint8_t *direction, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute downstream pixel indices from flow directions.
outputs from flow_routing_d8_carve() form a topologically sorted adjacency list representation of the flow graph. This function constructs an edge list stores it in thesource
arrays.- Parameters:
source – [out] The source pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
target – [out] The target pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
node – [in] Nodes of the flow graph in topological order
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
direction – [in] The flow directions as a bit field
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The flow directions should be encoded as they are in flow_routing_d8_carve().
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
- Returns:
The number of valid edges contained in the
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void flow_accumulation(float *acc, ptrdiff_t *source, uint8_t *direction, float *weights, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute flow accumulation.
Accumulates flow by summing contributing areas along flow paths. Uses the
outputs of flow_routing_d8_carve().- Parameters:
acc – [out] The computed flow accumulation
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
source – [in] The source pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The source pixels must be in a topological order.
direction – [in] The flow directions as a bit field
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The flow directions should be encoded as they are in flow_routing_d8_carve().
weights – [in] Initial water depths
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The initial weights can be used to represent spatially variable precipitation.
If a null pointer is passed, a default weight of 1.0 for every pixel is used. In this case the resulting flow accumulation is the upstream area in number of pixels.
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void flow_accumulation_edgelist(float *acc, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, float *fraction, float *weights, ptrdiff_t edge_count, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute flow accumulation based on a weighted edge list.
Accumulates flow by summing contributing areas along flow paths.
- Parameters:
acc – [out] The computed flow accumulation
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
source – [in] The source pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source pixels must be in a topological order.
target – [in] The target pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
fraction – [in] The fraction of flow transported along each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The fraction for each edge should be a value between zero and one, and the fractions for every edge with the same source pixel should sum to one.
weights – [in] Initial water depths
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
The initial weights can be used to represent spatially variable precipitation.
If a null pointer is passed, a default weight of 1.0 for every pixel is used. In this case the resulting flow accumulation is the upstream area in number of pixels.
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the edge list
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void gradient8(float *output, float *dem, float cellsize, int use_mp, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute the gradient for each cell in the provided DEM array. The gradient is calculated as the maximum slope between the cell and its 8 neighboring cells. The result can be output in different units based on the
parameter, and the computation can be parallelized using OpenMP.- Parameters:
output – [out] Array to store the computed gradient values for each cell. It should have the same dimensions as the DEM.
dem – [in] Input digital elevation model as a 2D array flattened into a 1D array. This array represents the elevation values of each cell.
cellsize – [in] The spatial resolution of the DEM (i.e., the size of each cell).
use_mp – [in] If set to 1, enables parallel processing using OpenMP. If set to 0, the function runs on a single thread.
dims – [in] An array specifying the dimensions of the DEM. It should contain two values: [rows, columns].
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void reconstruct(float *marker, float *mask, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Performs a grayscale reconstruction of the
image by themarker
image using the sequential reconstruction algorithm of Vincent (1993).- Parameters:
marker – [out] The marker array is updated with the result in-place.
mask – [in] The array holding the mask (for example dem).
dims – [in] An array specifying the dimensions of both used arrays. It should contain two values: [rows, columns].
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void reconstruct_hybrid(float *marker, ptrdiff_t *queue, float *mask, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Performs a ggrayscale reconstruction using the hybrid algorithm of Vincent(1993).
- Parameters:
marker – [out] The marker array is updated with the result in-place.
queue – [in] A ptrdiff_t array of the same size as the marker and mask arrays.
mask – [in] The array holding the mask (for example dem).
dims – [in] An array specifying the dimensions of all used arrays. It should contain two values: [rows, columns].
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void streamquad_trapz_f32(float *integral, float *integrand, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, float *weight, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
Integrate a
quantity over a stream network using trapezoidal integration.- Parameters:
integral – [out] The integrated output
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.integrand – [in] The quantity to be integrated
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.weight – [in] The weight assigned to each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
For most applications of integration along the stream network, this will be the geometric distance between the source and target pixels in the desired units.
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void streamquad_trapz_f64(double *integral, double *integrand, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, float *weight, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void traverse_up_u32_and(uint32_t *output, uint32_t *input, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
Upstream traversal with bitwise and.
Integrates the input node attribute list upstream using bitwise and:
for (u=>v) in edges: output[u] = output[v] & input[u];
- Parameters:
output – [out] The integrated output
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.input – [in] The quantity to be integrated
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void traverse_down_f32_max_add(float *output, float *input, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
Downstream traversal with max-plus.
Accumulates the edge weights in the
edge attribute list using a max-plus update:for (e = (u,v)) in edges: output[v] = max(output[v], output[u] + input[e]);
With input giving the length of each edge and output initialized to zero, this will compute the longest path from the outlet to a source node.
- Parameters:
output – [out] The accumulated output
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.input – [in] The edge weights
A pointer to a
array representing a edge attribute listIf the stream network has edge_count edges, this array should have a length edge_count.
source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void traverse_down_f32_add_mul(float *output, float *input, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
Downstream traversal with multiply-add.
Accumulates the edge weights in the
edge attribute list using a multiply-add update:for (e = (u,v)) in edges: output[v] = output[v] + output[u] * input[e];
With input giving the flow fraction of each edge and output initialized to ones, this will compute the flow accumulation.
- Parameters:
output – [out] The accumulated output
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.input – [in] The edge weights
A pointer to a
array representing a edge attribute listIf the stream network has edge_count edges, this array should have a length edge_count.
source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void edgelist_degree(uint8_t *indegree, uint8_t *outdegree, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t node_count, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
Compute the in- and outdegrees of each node in a graph.
- Parameters:
indegree – [out] The indegree of each node in the stream network
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.outdegree – [out] The outdegree of each node in the stream network
A pointer to a
array representing a node attribute listIf the stream network has N nodes, this array should have a length N. This value must not be less than the largest value in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute lists
.node_count – [in] The number of nodes in the stream network
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_f32(float *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_f64(double *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_u8(uint8_t *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_u32(uint32_t *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_u64(uint64_t *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_i8(int8_t *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_i32(int32_t *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void propagatevaluesupstream_i64(int64_t *data, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count)#
values upstream.The values in the
node attribute list are copied to their upstream neighbors according to the edges contained in thesource
arrays.Nodes with no downstream neighbors should be initialized in the
array with the values to be propagated upstream. The upstream values will be overwritten.- Parameters:
data – [inout] The data array
A pointer to an array of the desired type representing a node attribute list.
This must be at least as large as the largest index in either the
arrays.source – [in] The source node of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The source nodes must be in topological order. The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
.target – [in] The target nodes of each edge in the stream network
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
The labels must correspond to the 0-based indices of the nodes in the node-attribute list
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the stream network
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void compute_sfgraph(GF_FLOAT *topo, GF_UINT *Sreceivers, GF_FLOAT *distToReceivers, GF_UINT *Sdonors, uint8_t *NSdonors, GF_UINT *Stack, uint8_t *BCs, GF_UINT *dim, GF_FLOAT dx, bool D8)#
Computes a single flow graph: Receivers/Donors using the steepest descent method and topological ordering following a modified Braun and Willett (2013)
- Parameters:
topo – [in] the topographic surface
Sreceivers – [out] array of steepest receiver vectorised index
distToReceivers – [out] array of distance to steepest receiver vectorised index
Sdonors – [out] array of donors to steepest receiver vectorised index (index * (8 or 4) + 0:NSdonors[index] to get them)
NSdonors – [out] array of number of steepest donors (nodes having this one as steepest receivers)
Stack – [out] topologically ordered list of nodes, from the baselevel to the sources
BCs – [in] codes for boundary conditions and no data management, see gf_utils.h or examples for the meaning
dim – [in] [rows,columns] if row major and [columns, rows] if column major
dx – [in] spatial step
D8 – [in] true for topology including cardinals + diagonals, false for cardinals only
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void compute_sfgraph_priority_flood(GF_FLOAT *topo, GF_UINT *Sreceivers, GF_FLOAT *distToReceivers, GF_UINT *Sdonors, uint8_t *NSdonors, GF_UINT *Stack, uint8_t *BCs, GF_UINT *dim, GF_FLOAT dx, bool D8, GF_FLOAT step)#
Compute the graphflood single flow graph and fills local minima using Priority Floods - Barnes 2014 (see compute_sfgraph for details)
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void compute_priority_flood(GF_FLOAT *topo, uint8_t *BCs, GF_UINT *dim, bool D8, GF_FLOAT step)#
Fills the depressions in place in the topography using Priority Floods Barnes (2014, modified to impose a minimal slope)
- Parameters:
topo – [inout] array of surface elevation
BCs – [in] codes for boundary conditions and no data management, see gf_utils.h or examples for the meaning
dim – [in] [rows,columns] if row major and [columns, rows] if column major
D8 – [in] true for topology including cardinals + diagonals,
step – [in] delta_Z to apply minimum elevation increase and avoid flats, false for cardinals only
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void compute_priority_flood_plus_topological_ordering(GF_FLOAT *topo, GF_UINT *Stack, uint8_t *BCs, GF_UINT *dim, bool D8, GF_FLOAT step)#
Fills the depressions in place in the topography using Priority Floods Barnes (2014, modified to impose a minimal slope) This variant computes the topological order on the go (slightly slower as it uses a priority queue for all the nodes including in depressions)
- Parameters:
topo – [inout] array of surface elevation
Stack – [in] topologically ordered list of nodes, from the baselevel to the sources
BCs – [in] codes for boundary conditions and no data management, see gf_utils.h or examples for the meaning
dim – [in] [rows,columns] if row major and [columns, rows] if column major
D8 – [in] true for topology including cardinals + diagonals,
step – [in] delta_Z to apply minimum elevation increase and avoid flats, false for cardinals only
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void compute_drainage_area_single_flow(GF_FLOAT *output, GF_UINT *Sreceivers, GF_UINT *Stack, GF_UINT *dim, GF_FLOAT dx)#
Accumulate single flow drainage area downstream from a calculated graphflood single flow graph.
- Parameters:
output – [out] the field of drainage area
Sreceivers – [in] array of steepest receiver vectorised index
Stack – [in] topologically ordered list of nodes, from the baselevel to the sources
dim – [in] [rows,columns] if row major and [columns, rows] if column major
dx – [in] spatial step
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void compute_weighted_drainage_area_single_flow(GF_FLOAT *output, GF_FLOAT *weights, GF_UINT *Sreceivers, GF_UINT *Stack, GF_UINT *dim, GF_FLOAT dx)#
Accumulate single flow drainage area downstream from a calculated graphflood single flow graph weighted by an arbitrary input (e.g. Precipitation rates to get effective discharge)
- Parameters:
output – [out] the field of drainage area
weights – [in] node-wise weights
Sreceivers – [in] array of steepest receiver vectorised index
Stack – [in] topologically ordered list of nodes, from the baselevel to the sources
dim – [in] [rows,columns] if row major and [columns, rows] if column major
dx – [in] spatial step
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void graphflood_full(GF_FLOAT *Z, GF_FLOAT *hw, uint8_t *BCs, GF_FLOAT *Precipitations, GF_FLOAT *manning, GF_UINT *dim, GF_FLOAT dt, GF_FLOAT dx, bool SFD, bool D8, GF_UINT N_iterations, GF_FLOAT step)#
Run N iteration of graphflood as described in Gailleton et al.,.
From an input field of topography, optional original flow depth, mannings friction coefficient and precipitation rates, calculates the field of flow depth following a steady flow assumption.
- Parameters:
Z – [in] surface topography
hw – [inout] field of flow depth
BCs – [in] codes for boundary conditions and no data management, see gf_utils.h or examples for the meaning
Precipitations – [in] Precipitation rates
manning – [in] friction coefficient
dim – [in] [rows,columns] if row major and [columns, rows] if column major
dt – [in] time step
dx – [in] spatial step
SFD – [in] single flow direction if True, multiple flow if false
D8 – [in] true for topology including cardinals + diagonals, false for cardinals only
N_iterations – [in] number of iterations of the flooding algorithm
step – [in] delta_Z to apply minimum elevation increase and avoid flats, false for cardinals only
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void drainagebasins(ptrdiff_t *basins, ptrdiff_t *source, ptrdiff_t *target, ptrdiff_t edge_count, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Label drainage basins based on the flow directions provided by a topologically sorted edge list.
- Parameters:
basins – [out] The drainage basin label
A pointer to a
array of sizedims[0]
source – [out] The source pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
target – [in] The target pixel for each edge
A pointer to a
array of sizeedge_count
edge_count – [in] The number of edges in the flow network
A ptrdiff_t representing the length of the
arraysdims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void gradient_secondorder(float *p0, float *p1, float *dem, float cellsize, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute the gradient of a DEM using a second-order finite difference approximation.
- Parameters:
p0 – [out] The gradient in the first dimension
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
will contain the gradient in the first dimension of the array as specified bydims
. Whether this corresponds to the positive or negative x or y direction depends on the memory layout and coordinate system of the array.p1 – [out] The gradient in the second dimension
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
will contain the gradient in the second dimension of the array as specified bydims
. Whether this corresponds to the positive or negative x or y direction depends on the memory layout and coordinate system of the array.dem – [in] The input digital elevation model
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
cellsize – [in] The horizontal resolution of the digital elevation model
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}
TOPOTOOLBOX_API void hillshade(float *output, float *nx, float *ny, float *nz, float *dem, float azimuth, float altitude, float cellsize, ptrdiff_t dims[2])#
Compute a hillshade of the supplied digital elevation model.
- Parameters:
output – [out] The output hillshade
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
.nx – [out] The component of the surface normal in the x direction
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
.ny – [out] The component of the surface normal in the y direction
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
.nz – [out] The component of the surface normal in the z direction
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
.dem – [in] The input digital elevation model
A pointer to a float array of size
dims[0] * dims[1]
.azimuth – [in] The azimuth angle of the light source
expects the azimuth angle to be provided in radians from the first dimension of the grid towards the second dimension of the grid. This is most likely not identical to the geographic azimuth traditionally measured clockwise from north. Callers should take care to rotate their desired azimuth angle into the grid coordinate system depending on the georeferencing of the grid and the memory layout of the array.altitude – [in] The altitude angle of the light source
The altitude angle must be provided in radians above the horizon.
cellsize – [in] The spatial resolution of the DEM
dims – [in] The dimensions of the arrays
A pointer to a
array of size 2The fastest changing dimension should be provided first. For column-major arrays,
dims = {nrows,ncols}
. For row-major arrays,dims = {ncols,nrows}